FIRST ONE DOWN: A Paul Sutton Novel Read online

Page 9

  The info that came back on Olivia Foster was disappointing. The residence address was yet another dead-end. It was a rental unit and the tenants in the unit said they had moved in February of 2010. But, because Olivia was licensed in the state of California as a physical therapist, her work address was also available and Sutton planned to pay a visit to the work address listed on Olivia Foster's license after he met with Nate Warner. After meeting with Nate, he might have a better idea of how, or if, Olivia was connected to him in 2009.

  Sutton looked around his living room; the bare walls were a constant reminder of the emptiness of his life. When he was a younger man, he had told himself he would settle down one day; someday when the job didn't demand so much of his time. And now, he realized that it wasn't the job making demands of his time. It was his own insatiable need to bring the bad guys to justice. His self-imposed title as a warrior against evil, that's what kept him from entering into a relationship worth having. The reality, he knew, was that during the process of hunting evil time and time again, over the length of his career, he had become a breed of evil. Now, evil was a part of him, like a stain that couldn't be washed out, couldn’t be bleached away. Its characteristics had seeped into every fiber of who he was. He was damaged now. Damaged in a way that kept him from even considering entering into a relationship. The fear of a woman he loved seeing the part of him that housed evil thoughts and when necessary, evil actions and pointing it out - or worse, being subjected to any part of it, was greater than the fear of the loneliness that he felt living a life of solitude.

  Sutton got ready, grabbed the brown file containing Olivia's information, and headed out for the day. By the time he had made his way through the hideous traffic and arrived at the station, it was almost eight. He had a few last minute details he wanted to go over before Nate Warner showed up.

  Sitting at his desk, flipping through the thin file he had on Nate Warner made him wish he had been able to pull more background on the guy. He knew he was prior military, Marine Recon. He knew that he worked on base at Peterson for a civilian contractor that, from what he could tell, assisted in training operations for MARSOC, the Marines Special Operations Command. What exactly he did there was unknown, and Sutton doubted he would learn anything beyond that from Nate about his line of work. He re-read the previous notes taken on the two separate interviews with Nate. The first interview had been conducted by himself and the second by the detective assigned to the case after he retired. They were almost identical - the exact same questions on both and the exact same answers given by Nate. No, he hadn't seen Laura Carmichael on the day or night of her murder. No, he did not have a relationship with her beyond that of a professional nature. No, he did not know anything about her personal life. Yes, they communicated via telephone and text. No, he didn't know of anyone who wanted to harm her. No, she did not seem afraid or worried the last time he saw her. And no, he did not have anything to do with her murder.

  At the time the previous interviews were conducted, they had no reason to believe that Nate was in any way connected with Laura's murder. There was still no evidence, circumstantial or otherwise indicating that he was. But, Sutton's gut was pushing him in that direction. It was a feeling, Sutton could feel the darkness inside of Nate Warner, and he had had almost two years to sift through every piece of information on the case. At the time the initial interview was done, Sutton wasn't even close to the Nate path. That was the very beginning and he hadn't ruled out Andrew yet. The significant other is always the first look in these cases. The first time this case was in Sutton's hands, he was frazzled. Years of job stress built up on top of his unhealthy habits and both had had him worn out. His sudden, massive heart attack came as no surprise to him or anyone else. He had given the case all he had but all he had had back then was less than adequate. He had missed the sixth sense that usually led him in a direction before any piece of evidence did. Thinking back now to the interview with Nate, almost two years ago, he clearly saw the signs that he had missed. He had shrugged off that gut impulse trying to sway him towards Nate as the effects of medications and fatigue. He had flat out missed it, and possibly let this guy walk the earth free to kill again. That was not a mistake that he could live with. This time around the only direction there was to explore further was leading right to Nate Warner. And this time, Sutton was completely tuned in and ready to go toe to toe with it, and with Nate.

  He answered his ringing desk line and reception let him know that Nate had arrived. He steeled himself for the work ahead.

  "Let's go partner," he said to Ryan, already on his way to the elevator.

  "I'm ready. You good?" Ryan asked.

  "Ya, I'm good. It's been awhile since I was inside an interrogation room. But if this guy is hiding something, I'm pretty confident that we can dig it up. All we gotta do is throw in the bait, and I think Olivia Foster may be the bait we need."

  Ryan headed for interrogation room number three to set up and get the tape rolling while Sutton went down to get Nate.

  Exiting the elevator, Sutton looked around the main lobby and didn't see Nate Warner. He walked to reception and inquired as to his visitor’s whereabouts and the desk attendant pointed in the direction of the large, glass front doors to the building. Sutton thought it a bit peculiar that Nate would walk back out front knowing he would have to go through the hassle of security once more, but he exited the building to look for him anyway. It was bright outside and the sun was casting rays down on the front of the large building. Sutton put his hand up against his forehead to shield his eyes from the sun and looked from side to side. He spotted Nate sitting on a concrete bench off to the side of the building. He appeared to be typing something into his phone, and his face showed signs of stress. Good, Sutton thought, he wanted Nate to be off his game.

  Nate looked up and saw Sutton; his facial expression changed instantly, and Sutton was impressed with the sudden transformation.

  "Good morning Mr. Warner, thanks for coming down to the station. Let's go on up now."

  "Morning Detective, please lead the way. I have a busy day ahead and need to get this over with as quickly as possible."

  Sutton waved a hand towards the front door, "After you."

  Nate got up from the bench, his frame large and muscular, and his demeanor now calm and controlled. He followed Sutton into the station and made his way through security. Once at the elevator bank, he asked Sutton, "What is this new evidence you have?"

  "This is an ongoing investigation, so I can't share that information in detail with you, but I believe we are finally on the right track."

  Sutton could see a minor shift in Nate's posture and he felt adrenaline start to build within. This guy might be easier to shake than he originally anticipated, he thought to himself.

  The elevator arrived at the third floor and Sutton exited, followed by Nate. They walked in silence down the long, winding corridor to interrogation room number three. Sutton opened the door and motioned for Nate to go in ahead of him. When Nate was seated, Sutton said, "I'll be back in a minute, I need to go round up my partner," and closed the door behind him.

  Sutton went to the tape room where Ryan had the video from room three up on a large monitor. Watching Nate, it was impossible to detect any uneasiness in him. He sat in the chair, blank expression on his face, completely still and seemingly unfazed.

  "Let's do this," Sutton said.

  "You have your head right?" Ryan asked, obvious concern in his tone.

  "Ya, my head’s right, don't try to reel me in on this one, Ryan. I plan on having to run the game wide, but I know where I'm going with this."

  "Hey, I'm just here to watch. I'm not going to step on your toes, I'm not your damn babysitter," Ryan said, backing off some.

  The two detectives walked into room three. Sutton sat down across from Nate at a small, metal table and Ryan sat at the head of the table, scooting the chair back away from Nate's side. Sutton went through the formalities including notifying Nate tha
t the interview was being taped and recorded, giving him his and Ryan's full names and stating Nate's full name.

  "Mr. Warner, I am going to ask you many of the same questions I asked you two years ago regarding your relationship with the deceased, Laura Carmichael."

  Sutton took Nate through all of the previously asked questions, trying to come off as rushed and uninterested. Ryan interjected a few times, expanding on the initial questions, in an attempt to distract Nate's focus on Sutton.

  As the interview neared its end, Ryan excused himself and left the room. Sutton stood up from the chair and began to hold his hand out to shake Nate's hand, "Oh, one more question and it's probably nothing, but do you know a woman named Olivia Foster?" Sutton asked.

  Nate's eyes widened, he straightened up in his chair and Sutton could see him rolling over the question in his mind, "The name sounds vaguely familiar, was she someone working on the project?"

  "Project?" Sutton asked, noting that Nate used the past tense in referring to Olivia.

  "Olivia Foster, would I have known her from the project that Laura Carmichael and I were working on?"

  "I'm sorry, Mr. Warner, I must be lost here. Can you tell me what the nature of the project was that you were working with Mrs. Carmichael on?"

  "It's a classified project so, no, I can't go into detail."

  "How long did you work on this classified project with Mrs. Carmichael?"

  Watching from the video room, Ryan was in awe of how swiftly Sutton had just turned the interview around. He could distinctly see Nate's countenance become one of confusion. The old man had him exactly where he wanted him and for the first time in a long time, Ryan saw a hint of the old Sutton. The man who was legend because of his uncanny way of tripping perps up in their web of lies - masterfully spinning a web that they fell into, fangs first, every time. Ryan shook his head, "Hell, the old man's still got it," he said to the empty video room, and smiled.

  "Um, we, I mean, Laura and I worked the project for several months prior to her departure," Nate answered, visibly shaken.

  Sutton continued on this line of questioning, moving farther away from the unanswered question of if Nate knew Olivia Foster. Once Sutton was sure that Nate thought the Olivia question was off the table, he circled back around

  "So, you worked with Laura Carmichael and Olivia Foster on this classified project?"

  "Um, I didn't say that. I don't know an Olivia Foster."

  And, with that question answered, Sutton thanked Nate and ended the interview. He showed Nate back to the elevator bank and hit the call button.

  "Thanks again, Mr. Warner. If any other questions come up, I will be in touch," Sutton said, then turned and walked back to the video room. He could feel Nate's eyes on him and he knew he was on to something. Now he just had to follow the inconsistencies and hopefully connect the dots.

  Walking into the video room, Sutton found Ryan going back and forth over the last few minutes of the interview. He concentrated on the last questions.

  "Look at his face right here, he knows he got caught in your web - right here," Ryan said, pointing at the monitor with Nate's face displayed and a priceless expression caught in freeze frame.

  "He committed to not knowing Olivia. That's not what I expected, but it gives me a place to start. I'm going to track this woman down. I have a lead on her workplace, you want to tag along?" Sutton asked.

  "Hell yes, you are making this case interesting now. I'm with you, this guy knows more than he's saying. You keep following that gut of yours, I'm trailing right behind."

  With the interview saved and stored, Ryan turned off the equipment and followed Sutton out to the unit floor.


  Sutton entered the address to San Diego Orthopaedic Specialists into the navigation system, and he and Ryan headed out to meet and talk with Olivia Foster. Ryan was looking out the side window, going over the Carmichael case in his mind and searching for possible connections between Olivia and Nate. They now knew for sure that Olivia didn't work with Nate, but both Ryan and Sutton believed that she was connected to him somehow.

  They arrived at the facility's two-story parking structure, found a space and made their way into the massive brick building that housed the facility. Once they found reception, they identified themselves, and Sutton asked the young woman at the front desk if Olivia Foster was available. She blinked several times appearing caught off guard and confused, then informed Sutton that Olivia was no longer employed by the facility.

  "Is there someone in human resources or a manager available that I can speak with?" Sutton asked, not willing to give up on the only real lead they had.

  The young woman paused for a moment, and asked them to have a seat while she called Dr. Tessa Drake, the main surgeon and managing partner.

  Ryan took a seat in a plush, contemporary chair facing the reception area, and Sutton began to pace back and forth on the bright white tile that ran from the entrance side of reception to the far side of the large front room. It was only a matter of minutes before an extremely elegant, tall woman with blonde hair pulled back tight walked out and introduced herself as Dr. Tessa Drake. She spoke with a slight British accent, had a disarming demeanor and a smile that could put even the most hardened of men at ease.

  Tessa took the two men back to her office, waved them inside towards two black leather chairs facing a large slate blue desk, and pulled the heavy glass door closed behind them. She walked around to her side of the desk and sat down, sitting up straight with perfect posture. She clasped her hands in front of her and set them softly on the desk. With a hint of flirtation she asked, "How is it that a boring surgeon like myself has the privilege of getting a visit from two very handsome detectives?"

  "We are looking for Olivia Foster, and I understand she used to work for you." Sutton said.

  "Yes, Olivia worked for me for many years. She left...well, rather abruptly in the end of 2009. I believe it was immediately following the Christmas holiday."

  "Abruptly?" Sutton asked.

  "Yes, she sent me her resignation via email, without notice, she didn't come back to the facility to fetch her personal belongings, and I was notified about six months later that she failed to deposit her last paycheck. It struck me as curious. May I ask why you are looking for her?" Tessa asked.

  Sutton looked over at Ryan and Ryan could tell his partner was pondering what his next move would be.

  "Ma'am, do you know if Olivia was dating anyone at the time of her resignation?" Sutton asked, looking directly into Tessa's eyes.

  Tessa looked at Sutton quizzically, "I don't think I am at liberty to go into any knowledge I might have regarding the personal life of a former employee," she said, her tone curt.

  "Ma'am, Ms. Foster is not in any trouble. We are only looking to question her as a possible witness in an old case we are working on. A homicide case," Sutton said, speaking softly, as if divulging a secret.

  Tessa's expression turned into one of disbelief. She stood up from her desk and walked towards the glass door, pulled it open and said, "I'm very sorry, but I don't know anything more than what I have already told you. If you give me your card, I can have human resources send you the last address we had on file for Olivia. Beyond that, I can't be of further assistance. If you will excuse me now, I need to return to my patients," Tessa said, ending the meeting hastily.

  Sutton and Ryan stood and thanked Tessa Drake then, exited her office. Once they passed through reception and made their way out to the car, Ryan looked at Sutton and smiled as he got into the passenger seat.

  "What the hell was that all about?" Ryan asked.

  "I don't know, but it was weird. She knows more than she was willing to tell us, of that I'm sure," Sutton said, pondering the reason for the abrupt end to the meeting.

  "This case get's stranger by the day. What's the next move, old man?"

  "Find Olivia Foster, that's our only move right now."

  Tessa went back to the empty exam room ar
ea and sat down on a cushioned bench in the starkly appointed waiting area. She sat there for several minutes trying to recall everything she could remember from the timeframe surrounding Olivia's resignation. She felt a pang of guilt and wished she had made more of an effort to locate Olivia back then. After receiving Olivia's resignation via email, Tessa had tried to reach her by phone multiple times, leaving voice mail messages as well as multiple email messages. After a week had passed, with no response from Olivia, she had made the drive out to her address on file. Olivia hadn't answered the door, and her car hadn't been in any of the parking spaces near the apartment unit. Tessa had left a note on her door and when two weeks had passed with no response, she finally chalked it up to some sort of personal emergency. She couldn't think of any other reason why Olivia would have just vanished without so much as a goodbye.

  Olivia Foster started with the facility when it was just a one-woman show, back in the beginning when Tessa first opened the doors to her private practice. Olivia had worked her way from office assistant to rehabilitation specialist, going to school at night to earn her degree and learning the skills needed to excel in her position, working side by side with Tessa for years. Tessa never pried into Olivia's personal life, but she could tell that Olivia didn't seem to have much of one. Her life appeared to revolve around the facility. She was a sweet girl, very intelligent, and she was great with the patients, but she seemed lonely and never talked about family, a boyfriend, or even friends for that matter. She never complained, she never made a fuss over any of the inner workings of the office, staff or policy changes, as the facility grew. She just did what was asked of her. She had almost always been the first one in the office and one of the last to leave. Tessa couldn't imagine Olivia being mixed up with a homicide.